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Academic Year/course: 2017/18

546 - Master in Agricultural Engineering

60571 - Agri-food business management

Syllabus Information

Academic Year:
60571 - Agri-food business management
Faculty / School:
201 - Escuela Politécnica Superior
546 - Master in Agricultural Engineering
First semester
Subject Type:

1.1. Introduction

Brief presentation of the subject
Organization and Management of Agro-food Enterprises, whose main objective is become an integrative subject of business organization that approximates the student to the world of business management, providing the basic tools for understanding the organization within competitive markets, their functioning and what should be the key to achieve the performance objectives

1.2. Recommendations to take this course

The subject of Organization and Management of Agro-food Enterprises is a core subject, have not been defined prior to its development requirements, is a necessary immersion in the business management tools. In order to achieve optimum use it is recommended presence and a high level of monitoring in the theoretical and practical classes to get settled go concepts and facilitate understanding and application. Therefore the design of the course is based on the continued study and practical exercises and real situations approach to business management.

1.3. Context and importance of this course in the degree

Organization and Business Administration Agrifood is a subject that becomes a basic and complementary tool to the body of knowledge and subjects taught in the Master. The vast majority of business activities carried out through the use of natural resources should be complemented by a knowledge management mechanisms available to companies competing in markets to which these goods and products are targeted. It is therefore necessary to identify key elements, levers that allow the success of business organizations and the basic tools of research, development and management of resources and capabilities that differentiate them and must allow setting goals, are studying its viability and profitability.

1.4. Activities and key dates

Classes will be held in the first quarter, the specific dates will be defined by the academic calendar that ultimately define the development of the semester and set by the center, which will be available to students in advance. Classes will be held on Mondays and Tuesdays, dedicating one of them to another theory and practice. In the latter exercises, problems, case studies, lectures, news, a number of elements to efficiently transfer the theoretical knowledge seen the reality of the real and daily management of the food company will alternate.

2.1. Learning goals

The student, for passing this subject, should demonstrate the following results ...
Ability to plan, organize, direct and control systems and developed production processes in agriculture and the food industry, in a framework guaranteeing the competitiveness of enterprises without forgetting the protection and conservation of the environment and improvement and sustainable development rural environment.
Get an overview of the structure of the food industry and understand the role of the primary, secondary and tertiary sector
Identify the place of the company in the market and their situation with regard to competitive forces. Being able to assess its resources and differentiating capabilities.
Apply for the case of agrifood companies, different financial analysis tools, organization of production and logistics structure design.
Ability to manage or supervise multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to integrate knowledge in complex decision processes with limited information, taking social, ethical and environmental responsibility of their professional activity in tune with the socio-economic and natural environment in which it operates.

2.2. Importance of learning goals

Organization and management of food companies is a subject that underpins all activities and experiences in the Masters. Its importance is crucial to understand that all development should lead linked economic sustainability of the activity. The managing entrepreneurship in rural areas, providing management tools that enable the creation and maintenance of companies, capital and high social element values ​​clear positive externality that these actions have on the environment becomes. Thus, the course provides students with the knowledge and skills to enable them to assess the impact their activity has on the market, the elements that can promote competitiveness, funding and the process of value creation. Besides giving tools approach and presentation to financial and institutional entities that modulate undoubtedly its development and permanence in time, allowing achieve the objectives and targets set in its creation and strategic vision.
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3.1. Aims of the course

The subject and its expected results meet the following approaches and objectives:
The agri-food sector has become one of the pillars of development and sustainability of large geographic areas that survive away from population centers. The sector has the important challenge of providing an income level to its inhabitants and few development opportunities to halt the eternal exodus and depopulation, breaking centric development models have emerged since the mid-twentieth century. That is why all agricultural activity must carry contemplated understanding of what factors allow arise, remain and progress to businesses that live in this environment are. The course aims to explain the markets that its products face, development, factors of competitiveness to achieve the objectives, supported by the development and understanding of logistics and value chain activity, and prepare to analyze the ability to generate results and financing activity.

3.2. Competences

To pass the course, students will be more competent to ...
basic skills (section 3.3 of Annex I of Royal Decree 861/2010 of 2 July, amending Royal Decree 1393/2007 of 29 October):
CB1. Knowledge and understanding that provide a basis or opportunity for originality in developing and / or applying ideas, often in a research context
CB2. That the students can apply the broader (or multidisciplinary) acquired knowledge and ability to solve problems in new or unfamiliar environments within contexts related to their field of study
CB3. That students are able to integrate knowledge and handle complexity, and formulate judgments based on information that was incomplete or limited, includes reflections on social and ethical responsibilities linked to the application of their knowledge and judgments
CB4. Students can communicate their conclusions - and the knowledge and rationale underpinning - to specialists and non-specialists in a clear and unambiguous
CB5. Students must possess the learning skills that enable them to continue studying in a way that will be largely self-directed or autonomous.
General skills: Paragraph 3 of the Annex to the Order CIN / 325/2009):
CG1 - Ability to plan, organize, direct and control systems and developed production processes in agriculture and the food industry, in a framework guaranteeing the competitiveness of enterprises without forgetting the protection and conservation of the environment and the improvement and development sustainable rural
CG3 - Ability to propose, manage and conduct research projects, development and innovation in products, processes and methods employed in companies and organizations linked to the agri-food sector.
CG4 - Ability to apply knowledge to solve problems in new situations, analyzing information from the environment and summarizing it efficiently to facilitate the process of decision-making in companies and organizations in the food industry
CG5 - Ability to pass on their knowledge and findings of their studies or reports, using the means that communications technology allows and taking into account public knowledge receiver
 CG6 - Ability to manage or supervise multidisciplinary and multicultural teams to integrate knowledge in complex decision processes with limited information, taking social, ethical and environmental responsibility of their professional activity in tune with the socio-economic and natural environment in which it operates
 CG7 - Ability to develop the necessary skills to continue learning independently or directed, incorporating his professional activity new concepts, processes or methods derived from research, development and innovation
Specific skills (Section 5 of the Annex to the Order CIN / 325/2009):
 CE17 - Appropriate knowledge and capacity to develop and implement its own technology in own languages ​​and techniques of organization and management of the food company
CE20 - Appropriate knowledge and capacity to develop and implement its own technology in logistics management in the field of industry

4.1. Assessment tasks (description of tasks, marking system and assessment criteria)

The student must demonstrate that it has achieved the intended learning outcomes through the following evaluation activities
In the first call, there are two systems of evaluation:
Continuous Assessment: In this case, throughout the semester two written tests that assess learning achieved by the student on the theoretical and practical content of the subject (evaluations E1 and E2) will be made, and practices T1 will be delivered and T2 . Each of these activities will be a percentage of the total marks to achieve as follows:
E1 assessment: Consistent in a written statement on the first three issues of the subject test. It accounts for 25% of the mark to reach (2.5 points). It will be held in the second half of October.
E2 Rating: Consisting of a written statement on the last three issues that shape the test subject. It accounts for 25% of the mark to reach (2.5 points). It will be held within the last school week in December.
The type of test questions E1 and E2 may be theoretical, practical and theoretical and practical. Similarly, the tests may include short or developmental responses, but always related to actual cases or situations.
Job 1 (T1): Consist delivering a paper on one or more of the topics covered in class. The achieved results will be presented in written and oral form and discussed in class. This work will be done individually and accounts for 20% of the grade (2 points).
Work 2 (T2): Consist delivery by students of some of the following activities: reading comments, news, conducting exercises and case studies. These will be made, debated and discussed in class. Each of these activities will be held during class and classrooms assigned to the group. These tests execution tasks will be performed individually or in groups (depending on their nature) and account for 30% of the grade (3 points).
In all tests must be obtained at least 3 points (out of 10) to add the score to the rest of assessable activities. The exact dates of the completion or delivery of each activity as well as the completion of the written tests will be communicated to students well in advance and published in the Digital Teaching Ring of the University of Zaragoza, ADD, https: // moodle2.
 Global assessment: Students who do not opt ​​for continuous assessment, not exceeding the subject through continuous assessment or want to improve your score, is entitled to present to the overall assessment consisting of a written test to be held on the dates indicated in the calendar approved by the center and the completion of a work of T1 type presented above. Specific:
Written test: Consisting written on all subjects of the test subject. It accounts for 80% of the note to reach (8 points). Of these 8 points, 5 will focus on the theoretical and practical content seen on the subject (through short and / or development related to actual cases or situations responses), and the remaining 3 points consist of questions related to readings, exercises and consisting relate theory to practical situations or cases real cases. This test will take place on the dates indicated in the calendar approved by the center where the subject is taught.
Job 1 (T1): Consist delivering a paper on one or more of the topics covered in class. The achieved results will be presented in written and oral form after the completion of the corresponding global assessment written test. This work will be done individually and accounts for 20% of the grade. You need not have this job if the student already submitted as part of the ongoing evaluation and scored above 3 rating (out of 10).
Students who through continuous evaluation have reached 50% of the grade, are not required to attend the global test. However, on first call and if the student use the two evaluation systems prevail better test scores.
The second call evaluation will be conducted exclusively through a global assessment as that described above. Again, it is not necessary to work the type T1 if the student already presented in any of the systems of evaluation of the first call and scored above 3 rating (out of 10).
Evaluation criteria
Evaluation criteria
Written tests: the adequacy of responses to questions and justifications made by the student will be assessed. Therefore, to get the highest score on each question, not only must give the right answer but also it must be properly justified and related to the information provided in the statements.
Job 1 (T1): the difficulty of the subject matter will be assessed, the sources of information, quality of content, the degree of depth research on the topic, structure and consistency, the written presentation (grammar and spelling , etc.) and its oral defense (communication and expository skills). 80% of the note of the work will be based on the written report and 20% in its oral presentation. The work should follow the following structure:
 ● Introduction: Where the choice of the company is justified, briefly describe it, work objectives arise and the contents thereof are indicated.
 ● Development: Where the aspect or aspects of the management and organization of the company chosen is analyzed.
 ● Conclusions: Where summarizing main results and recommendations for the company are exposed.
Work 2 (T2): the implementation of the theoretical views on the subject will be assessed by reference whenever possible to the information included in the case studies, and participation in class discussions for resolution.

5.1. Methodological overview

The methodology followed in this course is oriented towards achievement of the learning objectives. A wide range of teaching and learning tasks are implemented, such as lectures, cooperative work, problem solving and case studies, as well as discussion and reflection of texts and readings.


5.2. Learning tasks

The course includes the following learning tasks: 

  • Lectures provide the necessary theoretical knowledge, accompanied by practical examples to facilitate the understanding and application of the concepts studied. These sessions will address the following contents:
    1. Introduction to the management of food companies
    2. Introduction to the food sector differences and their involvement in the primary, secondary and tertiary
    3. Competitive positioning of the company, levers, resources and capabilities
    4. The value chain, supply chain and logistics sector
    5. Financial analysis and estimation of results
    6. Organizational decisions
  • Solving and presentation of problems and case studies, preparation and presentation of papers, discussion topics, reading commentaries and interactive activities, which are conducted both inside and outside the classroom, individually or in groups.
  • In tutorials the teacher may supervise the work done by the students, answer questions about the theoretical and practical contents of the course and / or the preparation of exercises applied to the theoretical content.
  • Autonomous work includes the study of theoretical and practical content, solving of practical activities, conducting individual and / or group seeking and analyzing information, among others.
  • Assessment activities.

5.3. Syllabus

The course will address the following topics:


5.4. Course planning and calendar

Provisional course planning 



Practice sessions

Autonomous work



Topic 1


Study (4h)



Topic 1

Practice 1

Work (2h)

Study (2h)



Topic 2


Practice 2

Work (2h)

Study (2h)



Topic 3

Practice 3

Work (2h)

Study (2h)



Topic 3

Practice 4

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 3

Practice 5

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



(Partial written test)

Practice 6

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 4

Practice 7

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 4

Practice 8

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 4

Practice 9

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 5

Practice 10

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 5

Practice 11

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 6

Practice 12

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 6

Practice 13

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)



Topic 6

Practice 14

Work (2 h)

Study (2 h)





Study (8 h)





Study (8 h)





Study (8 h)





Study (8 h)



written test




Total hours






5.5. Bibliography and recommended resources

BB Economics of strategy / David Besanko ... [et al.] . 6th ed. Hoboken (N.J.) : John Wiley & Sons, cop. 2013
BB Heizer, Jay. Dirección de la producción y de operaciones : decisiones estratégicas / Jay Heizer, Barry Render . 11ª ed. Madrid : Pearson Educación, D.L. 2015
BB Kelly, Anthony. Decision Making using Game Theory : An introduction for managers / Anthony Kelly . 1st ed. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press, 2003
BB Mintzberg, Henry. El proceso estratégico / Henry Mintzberg, James Brian Quinn, Sumantra Ghoshal ; traducción Eduarda Miño, Isabel Ozores ; revisión técnica Adolfo Vázquez ; prólogo a la edición en español Zulima Fernández . Ed. europea rev., [reimpr.] Madrid : Prentice Hall, 1999 (reimpr.2002)
BC Massons i Rabassa, Joan. Finanzas : análisis y estrategia financiera / Joan Massons i Rabassa . 15ª ed. Barcelona : Hispano Europea, D.L. 2014


The updated recommended bibliography can be consulted in: